Beacon Impact

Beacon Impact Endorses School Choice Expansion

Parents everywhere are tired of being ignored. Despite speaking up at school board meetings, PTA meetings, and elsewhere, parents have made it clear they want choices and want the best education for their children.

But what are parents to do? By giving parents part of their tax dollars back to pay for education expenses like tutoring or tuition at a private school of their choice, parents can ensure that their children get the education they deserve. Parents must have recourse to make sure their children don’t fall further behind and can learn in the environment that best fits their needs.

Status Update: In 2023, the General Assembly prioritized students and families by adding Hamilton County to the existing school choice program. We would like to thank Representative Mark White and Senator Todd Gardenhire for their efforts to provide more choice in Tennessee.

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(731) 819-1853


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(770) 880-3231


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(615) 556-7192