Beacon Impact

Increase Access to Healthcare by Eliminating CON Laws

Healthcare can be expensive and complex. But Tennessee’s rules and restrictions are making it worse, often for those who can least afford care. Adopted in the 1970s, certificate-of-need (CON) laws require a government permission slip before providing most healthcare services, such as opening a new hospital or purchasing high-tech medical equipment. Imagine if every new restaurant had to get permission from other food establishments to open its doors or even buy a new fryer or drink machine!

Over the last 20 years, approximately 1 in 5 healthcare innovations that require CON approval were rejected in the state of Tennessee. As a result, many facilities have never opened their doors or expanded to serve some of the state’s most vulnerable communities.

It’s time we changed this. The General Assembly should pass SB2009 / HB2269 and make healthcare more accessible for all Tennesseans.

STATUS UPDATE: This legislation was passed in late April, and it repeals the necessity of a certificate for a number of health care services such as nursing homes, hospice care, MRIs, PET, ambulatory surgical centers over a number of years.

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(731) 819-1853


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(770) 880-3231


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(615) 556-7192