Increase Access to Healthcare by Eliminating CON Laws
Healthcare can be expensive and complex. But Tennessee’s rules and restrictions are making it worse, often for those who can least afford care. Adopted in the 1970s, certificate-of-need (CON) laws require a government permission slip before providing most healthcare services, such as opening a new hospital or purchasing high-tech medical equipment. Imagine if every new […]
Expanding School Choice in Tennessee
This year, legislators are considering a proposal to give parents across Tennessee options when it comes to educating their children. Education Freedom Scholarships would provide around $7,000 for a student to attend a school of their choice as well as pay for other approved educational expenses, like tutoring, therapies, and textbooks. Such educational choice programs […]
Eliminate Barriers to Telehealth
During the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of Americans tried telehealth for the first time, and Tennesseans were no exception. Since then, every state has addressed their laws and regulations around telehealth hoping to encourage the use of this innovation in the delivery of healthcare. It is here, however, where Tennessee is the exception. Tennessee is the […]
It’s Time For Zoning Reform
For years, Tennessee has been an in-migration state, with thousands moving here due to its favorable policies. The pandemic accelerated this trend, as Americans from blue states sought to escape heavy-handed restrictions, take advantage of the changing nature of work, and benefit from Tennessee’s lower cost of living. As a result of that in-migration and […]
Local Governments Shouldn’t Be Collecting Teacher Union Dues
Did you know that currently, local schools use taxpayer money to help collect dues for teacher unions, and a portion of those funds are sent to national organizations to advance their radical political agendas It’s time for Tennessee to change its laws to ensure taxpayer funds are not being used to help collect money for […]
Protecting the Rights of Tennessee Workers
Did you know that sometimes unions can form without workers ever voting to create a union? Through a process called “card check” workers are stripped of their right to privately vote whether to unionize. When a majority of workers sign “authorization cards” sometimes under intense pressure and intimidation from union supporters, a company can choose […]
Expanding the School Choice Program to Include Previously Qualified Students
It’s been three years since the school choice program (ESA) was passed by the legislature, but because of lawsuits by anti-school choice groups and cities, the program just recently got started. The students that could have taken advantage of the program during this period lost an opportunity to go to a school that best fits […]
Have a Voice in Massive Property Tax Increases
Despite tax cuts in recent years at the state level, there have been significant tax increases at the local level, especially property taxes. In 2019 alone, more than $208 million in proposed or adopted property tax increases occurred across the state. It doesn’t help Tennesseans if their taxes are cut at the state level only […]
Make Your Elected Leaders Vote by Rejecting the Pending Ordinance Doctrine
Imagine if every bill that was introduced by Congress or the Tennessee General Assembly was enforced without the duly elected legislators ever voting on it. As crazy and un-American as it sounds, that happens here in Tennessee at the local level. Local governments use the “pending ordinance doctrine” to deny building permits or revoke previously […]
Repealing the Business Tax, Making Tennessee More Competetive
While Tennessee has made great strides in cutting taxes, like the Hall Income Tax, the taxes that businesses are subject to are some of the highest in the nation. If looking at solely corporate taxes, Tennessee ranks 45 in the nation according to the Tax Foundation. Part of the corporate taxing structure in Tennessee includes […]